The Crucible is a very wordy play and written in an old style which was quite difficult at times to learn and get the emphasis correct. Some characters had some extremely long speeches, others just a few lines.
We all had favourite lines and here are some of them:
Director Stephenie:
"That's deep Mr Parris, deep."

"Because it is my name, because I cannot have another in my life."
"Before the devil fell God thought him beautiful in heaven."
Abigail Williams (Donna Marie Leask)
"You loved me John Proctor and whatever sin it is, you love me yet."
Tituba (Charity Johnson)
"..... soon the devil gits here! With the feathers, and the wings!"

"We cannot look to superstition here. The devil is precise, all signs of his presence are definite as stone...."
Rebecca Nurse (Jennie Atkinson)
"A child's spirit is like a child. You cannot run after it and catch it. You must stand still, and for love it will soon itself come back."
Thomas Putnum (David Smith)
"I'm sick of meetings!"
Giles Corey (Stanley Manson)
"Is she going to fly again. I hear she flies!"

Sarah Good (Joyce Williamson)
"Could I have a sip of cider for going away? It be a grand transformation Majesty."
Elizabeth Proctor (Morag Mouat)
"He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him."
Deputy Governor Danforth (Kevin Briggs)
"This is a sharp time, a precise time We live no longer in the dusky afternoon where evil mixed itself with good and befuddled the world."
Reverend Parris (Bob Skinley)
"And I thought I saw someone .... naked running through the trees!"

"How high did she fly? How high?!"
Frances Nurse (Lesley Leslie)
"For murder she is charged. For the marvellous and supernatural murder of Goody Putnum's babies."
Marshal Herrick (Willum Martin)
"If I may say it sir, I've known him my whole life sir, it is good man sir."
And the one which nearly floored us all ....
Deputy Governor Danforth to John Proctor "Have you seen the devil?"
Member of the Audience "NO!"