Our cups are full right to the brim
The show’s a hit cos we had him
The curtain’s down, the stage is clear
And Stanley can relax
Not only did he walk the walk
But with boots in erses he talked the talk
So that no longer were we loud and lairy
But super compliant biddable fairies
So many high points, I’ll read them to you
And, as the author, I’m not included, phew
It will no more be mentioned, you’ve heard quite a bit
Of my time in the spotlight, or lack of it
But guys you carried on like pros
Just as you are in every show
And It was not
“Where did you get that cat?”
But “Where the f’s he effin at?”
And oh those seemingly endless chases
Backstage, Stanley was pulling faces
To quote dear Jasper those rabbits were freaky
And the time they took, well that was
May’s box of tricks arrived on time
Although delivered on a pallet by Shetland Line
And it’s not for mentioning but can you maybe
Find out what Sarah did with her Tena Lady?
And freaky drumstick wielding devil mice
Infested the dressing room, not so nice
But, Lionel, this is no idle threat
You’ll find them in your Yorkshires yet
See, that Lion had an axe to grind
Puss beat him every night you’ll mind
But then losing’s part of his daily strife
As a Heart’s fan, it’s a fact of life
Wir double acts, what can I say
Babs and Betty, J and J
Boy those gals with their cold death stare
With their “talk to the hand” and their noses in the
And Bob, as Grimgrab, resplendent in green
But on him Celtic colours should never be seen
So next time he’ll play the devil see
To match his beloved Aberdeen FC
That make up
was a work of art
But getting it off, well that took a start
Enjo cloots and holy cripes
A hunderweight o……… baby wipes doo doo doo doo doo doo
An wir peerie rabbits, what a delight
And oh so cute and a cheer every night
But good job they were looked to and came to no harm
As Laura would have nabbed them for her rabbit farm
But we lost Karl, oh that was sad
Then we got Stanley, that wasn’t so bad
Until he trashed the make up seat
An left poor Babs helpless! What a treat
And dear Queen, she didn’t marry for love
Poor Wally, stepped over like a discarded glove
Though there’s hope yet for Wally although he’s not
quite in clover
She did at least manage to get her leg over
New faces were welcome and thanks to you all
Your first ever panto and you had a ball
You stuck with the hard grind, you did not bail
You made the journey and you told our tale
So Stanley, thanks again dear friend
For this work of art which has come to its end
So goodbye, farewell and even ciao
But from your pussy cats, your cast and crew
We’ll just say……..WOW!