Blue Stockings Behind the Scenes : Backstage Crew

The Backstage Crew - our unsung heroes working tirelessly and quietly in the background ..... but not for Blue Stockings, they got to go on the stage!

Waiting in the wings to go on ......
in costume (buff jackets, white shirts and black trousers)

The beautiful books which graced the stage.

Although made in the store it still takes forward planning and time to build the
 set in the Garrison Theatre.
Doreen Grey, Caroline Watt, David Grieve, Ian Pagulayan and David Smith

Adding the text to the opening book which created such a wonderful ending
for the play.

They work so fast they are just a blur ...... !

Props all ready to go on .....

And not forgetting the nightly update in the ladies dressing room at 7.15 each evening - last minute details and changes and drumming up energy for a slick show.
Director/Producer Stephenie Pagulayan and Stage Manager Doreen Grey

As our backstage crew are very difficult to photograph at least we can share the team here:

Stage Manager : Doreen Grey
Assistant Stage Managers : Val Hall and Caroline Watt

Stage Design : David Grieve
Lighting Design : Keith Morrison

Props : Karen Erasmuson

Crew : David Grieve, Violet Johnson, Vaila Morrison, Shona Taylor, 
Caroline Watt and Marion Webster

Set Construction : Cheryl Cluness, Andy Coull, Dave Ferrier, David Grieve, 
Shona Taylor and Marian Webster

Photographs: Zoe Galbraith