Mother Goose : Behind the Scenes : Wardrobe

Mother Goose is a very traditional pantomime (in fact the first performance as a pantomime was in 1807) and it has been fun putting together a wardrobe of costumes which reflect that older panto tradition.

We are very lucky to have the expertise and organisational skills of Fiona Smith and her team of fabulous sewers: Val Duncan, Margaret Goodlad, Hazel Sinclair and Audrey Spence.

As a well established group we are also very lucky to have an extensive wardrobe of costumes to choose from. However many costumes required altering and a number of the Principals costumes were required to be made, including a costume for our beautiful Priscilla.

No panto would be complete without sequins .........

and reams of gold fabric!

Both Audrey and Fiona have been on hand every night to make running repairs and to ensure that everything looks good.

Thank you to the ladies of the Wardrobe!