It's May so it must be Panto Time .........

Yes things start a little early around here for panto with Jennie having been working away since the beginning of the year on our next production Mother Goose. 

Last night saw group members gathering in the Drama Room for a reading, the next stage in the production process. It was a great turn out and with apologies from many other members we know we have the commitment and enthusiasm to carry this show forward.

Although we don't hold auditions the group reading is very important for the director/producer to not only hear the panto but also to gauge interest from members and to try out different voices in different parts.

Stephenie has agreed to shadow Jennie this year in order to learn the process and to help out as producer's assistant. We are very lucky that our young members want to undertake such a commitment and we hope others will come forward for future productions.

Once the reading starts it's all eyes down! with everyone wanting to read having the chance to read most of the parts in the panto.

The next step is for Jennie to cast the main parts and then to start working on blocking moves, choosing music, gathering the production team together (stage management, props, wardrobe, set design and construction and lighting to name a few!) before rehearsals start at the end of August.

If you have not already let Jennie know that you are interested in being either onstage or backstage then do please contact her through our Facebook Page as things are beginning to move apace!