A big day in the calendar for the group yesterday as it was our Annual Meeting of Members but more importantly the launch of our new website.
Click the link HERE to go straight to the website where you will find information about the group and our productions. Over time we hope to upload to the gallery photographs from the last 60 years of productions. Special thanks go to Group members Martin Summers and Jean Sinclair who have worked hard over the last few months on what we hope will be a great resource to the group. Our blog of behind the scenes items will remain as before and you can find a link to it on the website.
There was a good turnout of members at the annual meeting where Morag Mouat (President) gave a report of the previous year and Joyce Williamson (Treasurer) details of our current financial position.
It was time for a number of trustees to step down and five new Trustees were elected to the Board: Caroline Watt and Stephenie Pagulayan (pictured here) and Donna Simpson, Michael Mouat and Jennie Atkinson.
The Group are currently rehearsing the two Act play : Parking Lot in Pittsburgh (details of the first rehearsal can be found HERE).
Click the link HERE to go straight to the website where you will find information about the group and our productions. Over time we hope to upload to the gallery photographs from the last 60 years of productions. Special thanks go to Group members Martin Summers and Jean Sinclair who have worked hard over the last few months on what we hope will be a great resource to the group. Our blog of behind the scenes items will remain as before and you can find a link to it on the website.

The Group are currently rehearsing the two Act play : Parking Lot in Pittsburgh (details of the first rehearsal can be found HERE).
Parking Lot in Pittsburgh : Garrison Theatre : 11/12/13 November 2015