Rehearsals are now into the last week for the Group's production The 39 Steps and it is all go backstage at the Garrison.
Production Team:
Michael Mouat, Morag Mouat (Director & Producer) and Doreen Grey
Costumes ready for a quick change!
Michael at his post - "in the corner"
Lighting Designer Keith Morrison
Gathering Props behind the tabs
Checking the script
Backstage Crew: Marion Webster and Val Hall
Gorgeous Vintage Props!
This play is a real challenge for the Group and needs meticulous attention to detail - Morag and Michael will undoubtedly have spent hours on this task alone!
I hope these photographs have whetted your appetite
Performance dates are: 25,26 and 27 March
Garrison Theatre, Lerwick
Tickets Available from Shetland Box Office
Tel: 745555
or click the link HERE