Babes in the Wood Behind the Scenes - Those Fabulous Folk Backstage!

You have seen those on stage, now to showcase those behind the scenes who ensure everything runs smoothly.  

Today Doreen and her backstage crew.

Team work !

Long periods waiting for the next set change

Getting into the Robin Hood and Maid Marion spirit!

Doreen Gray (Stage Manager), Annette Smith (Deputy Stage Manager) Michael Mouat (Assistant Stage Manager, 
David Grieve (Set Designer)

Assisted by:  Robin Atkinson, Andy Coull, Iain Derbyshire, Helen Dickson, Jim Grant, Alan Long, Paul Hardgreaves, Stephen Mouat, Scott Neild, Riona Peterson,Shona Taylor, Sonny  Thomason, Keith Turner, Caroline Watt, Marion Webster, Sonny  Thomas and Sheila Manson

Props waiting for collection

Everything has to be very well organised!

Jean Sinclair (Props)

Assisted by:  Karen Erasmuson, Val Hall and 
Rachel McLaren

One of the wonderful backdrops painted by Fiona Christie

…. and the tree with ears!

David Grieve (Set Designer)
Fiona Christie (Scenery Artist)