Ali Baba : Behind the Scenes : Backstage Heroes

Hello and welcome to the first of our Behind the Scenes series of blog posts. Now the fairy dust has settled we now have time to share some of what goes on Behind the Scenes to bring the production to life.

First up  are our wonderful backstage team.

Led by Cheryl Cluness (Stage Manager) they work quietly and quickly behind the curtains to change the set between the scenes.  Never taking a bow, they are our unsung heroes! and we couldn't achieve the panto without them. 

Cheryl Cluness (Stage Manager) and Doreen Grey (Assistant Stage Manager)

Cheryl has everything planned to the last detail - who moves what and where it goes. The core production team (Cheryl, Doreen and Val Hall also Assistant Stage Manager) are involved in the production from the very start.

Early days in the Theatre working out where everything is going.

Getting everything marked on the floor for precision manouvering, sometimes in the dark!

The Sultan trying out the throne for size!

Tweaking the backcloth to get it straight.

Keith positioning the light for AWanta Saasermaet Roll's entrance at the beginning of the panto with the lamp.

Ensuring everything fits together!

A quiet moment backstage waiting for the next scene change.

Doreen standing in the wings for the length of the show, keeping check on all the little details ... and the big stuff too! 

The set for this panto was designed and constructed by Keith Morrison, assisted by Vikky Morrison, Kelly Nicol and Louise Mouat.

Backstage Crew

Stage Manager : Cheryl Cluness

Assistant Stage Managers: Doreen Gray & Val Hall

Lighting and Set Design : Keith Morrison

Backstage Crew
Robin Atkinson
Kevin Briggs
Louise Cluness
Emma Coutts
Christine Geldard
David Grieve
Alistair Geldard
Jacky Williamson