Wir Charity Lasses Calendar : Behind the Scenes


Producing and appearing in the Calendar was a totally new venture for all of us but something which we are so glad we did! Here are some Behind the Scenes photographs of what was a few very memorable days back in February. 

We gathered first at Islesburgh House one very windy Saturday morning at 11am. It took quite a while to get all the props into the building and upstairs. Only four photographs were being taken that day, but there were many props! Karen Erasmuson our Props Manager on stage had worked tirelessly collecting props for all the photographs and on the day was helped in the setting up by Val Hall, Fiona Smith, Cheryl Cluness, Donna Simpson and Martin Summers.

Our photographer was the wonderful Sophie Whitehead and she put us all at ease with her wonderfully relaxed style. As in the play, the photographs were set up with us wearing our dressing gowns, then everyone but Sophie and Karen left the room, when we disrobed and the photographs were taken.

First up was Morag Mouat (October) with a reasonably simple set up .....  however Karen had sewn all the flowers onto the covering material - no easy task!

For the six Calendar Girls from the play their photographs reflected the props they had in Scene 6 Act 1 as these photographs were also going to be used for the play. For Morag, playing Chris, it was flowers.

Karen next had to set up the scene for Morag Maver (January). Items had been borrowed from far afield and included many from SWI competititons here in Shetland.

When Jessie (Morag) is handed the knitting needles and two balls of wool in the play she looks aghast and Annie (Jennie) responds "I'd start knitting love if I was you!" It was apparent during the set up that the prop piece of knitting would not be sufficient so Fiona had run home to get a jumper that she had on the wires!

Then the whole corner was changed into a tea room for Jennie Atkinson (February). And yes she was pouring a cup of tea! ... in fact six cups were poured eventually !

Next up was December .... all eleven of us! Work had been going on in the background decorating Christmas trees and gathering props.

It was a massive job but it was all done in good time and from the laughter we could hear enjoyed by all !

And with that we were finished for the day!

Over the next week photographs were taken in another four locations - Sumburgh (Lesley Leslie), houses in Lerwick (Jacky Williamson and Nicola Fleck) and the Garrison Theatre (Stephenie Pagulayan). 

With little prospect of the proposed outdoor shoots due to the weather, the main group gathered again the following weekend at Jennie's house in Tingwall for the final photo shoot.

It hadn't been the intention to use the greenhouse but when the team saw it they thought it would be perfect for the gardening photograph - Joyce Williamson (April).

The very winter looking greenhouse (this was February!) was transformed with bunting and lots of lovely greenery and artifical flowers and plants. Well done to Joyce for braving the cold weather!

Then the team moved inside. Next up was Torana Bland (June) with Arts and Crafts .... tucked into the corner in Jennie's craft room.

Meanwhile downstairs in the sitting room the team were setting up the marmalade and preserves set for Donna-Marie Leask (November). The oranges didn't go to waste .... Jennie's husband Terry made marmalade with them in true SWI style!

And then it was cake time!

What an array of fancies!

So many wonderful cake stands borrowed from all over the island.

Val and Fiona "plating up"!

Ready for Karen to set up the scene......

...... for Mandy Philips (Celia) and the legendary buns!

And with that it was a wrap!

And here are a few quotes from the Calendar Girls about the experience:

It felt really comfortable with Sophie, Karen and the team with everything very well organised.

Exciting, memorable, fun and scary all at the same time.

With an outdoor shoot I was just slightly concerned about low flying helicopters and the early arrival of the postie.

I loved doing the Christmas photo as we were all so caring towards each other, making sure everyone felt comfortable.

I wish we'd had some prosecco!

There are so many people to thank in terms of the making of this calendar but we are so very grateful to Sophie Whitehead for her wonderful photography and Lynne Laurenson who then took the chosen photographs and designed the wonderful calendar.

And thanks to all those who have supported us by buying a copy.

Photographs: Martin Summers and Sophie Whitehead