You Made Me : Oliver

Despite the current restrictions we have been delighted to have the opportunity to return to the Garrison Theatre for a performance of You Made Me : Oliver.  Following a successful bid by Stephenie Pagulayan we have had the opportunity to present a second drama as part of the Shetland Arts Refresh Now project.

You Made Me is a series of six interconnected one act plays exploring three generations of the same family. ‘Oliver’ is the concluding piece to the collection. Centred around his character, Oliver comes across as misogynistic and arrogant but as the play develops, and we encounter the females in his life, we come to see that all is not quite as it seems.

Oliver (Kevin Briggs) with work colleague Hannah (Donna-Marie Leask)

With wife Jennifer (Mandy Phillips)

With his Mother Barbara (Christine Geldard)

And finally in a conversation with Detective Amanda Taylor (Lesley Leslie)

This was yet again a totally new drama experience for the Group, as although we were back in the Garrison Theatre, there was no audience ........ just a film crew, director/producer Morag Mouat, writer Stephenie Pagulayan and the five members of the cast.

Read our blog post HERE for a Behind the Scenes insight written by Morag Mouat

The play was premiered on Friday 30th April on Shetland Arts Social Media pages and can be viewed on this link until 31st May.

Shetland Arts Refresh Now : You Made Me : Oliver