The story of I Remember Mama centres around an immigrant Norwegian family living in San Francisco in the early 20th Century. It is a touching tale of family life - their trials, tribulations and loves. More importantly it shows the cultural and generational confict of parents born in the old country (Norway) and the children who have grown up in America.
The Children: Dagmar (Amber Thomson), Christine (Juliet Mullay), Nels (Reece Paul) and Katrin (Zoe Spence).
And with their Mama (Stephenie Pagulayan) after gifting her a Mother's Day Card and Flowers!
We were very pleased to welcome a number of new younger members. It was a very caring cast, always willing to help each other out. Here Juliet gives Amber a bit of make-up, Ishbel MacKenzie looks on.
Juliet always ready to share some funs on the lap top.
Some cast members managed to do quite alot of knitting, including premature baby hats for Loose Ends in Lerwick. Joyce Williamson, Morag Maver and Jennie Atkinson.
Hair styles were quite particular for the era and luckly most of the younger members had hair long enough to plait or put up. Seven wigs were also needed! We were very grateful to Lynn Goudie of Studio 4 who came in each night to style hair and wigs.
At the make-up mirror Donna Marie Leask, Ishbel MacKenzie and Abbie Galbraith.
The kitchen is always a popular place! Sheila Manson on teas, with Amber, Juliet, Reece and Cameron MacKenzie.
And finally, always a briefing from Morag (Director) and Doreen (Stage Manager) before going on stage each night. And yes Morag is dressed ...... she went on as the charwoman!
Mama : Stephenie Pagulayan
Papa : Cameron MacKenzie
Katrin : Zoe Spence
Nels : Reece Paul
Christine : Juliet Mullay
Dagmar : Amber Thomson
The Sisters: Jenny (Joyce Williamson), Sigrid (Morag Maver) and
Trina (Donna Marie Leask)
Uncle Chris : Andy Long
Arne : Rory Coutts
Mr Hyde : Bob Skinley
Mr Thorkelson : Martin Summers
Doctor Johnson : Stanley Manson
Nurse : Zoe Galbraith
Soda Clerk & Bell Boy : Christian Anderson
Madeline : Abbie Galbraith
Dorothy Ishbel MacKenzie
Yessie : Jennie Atkinson
Miss Moorhead : Charity Johnson