Puss in Boots : Behind the Scenes : Set Construction and Back Stage

For everyone you see on the stage there are often two or more members working backstage initially constructing the set and then ensuring that each set is changed quietly and in time.  The core Production Team of Stage Manager and Assistants are involved in all rehearsals from the very start.

Here are just a few photographs showcasing the wonderful set:

Stage Set for Act 1 Scene 1
The Village of Much Rabbiting on the Wold

Detail of the fabulous backcloth painted by Fiona Christie

With us all on stage!

Act 1 Scene 3
The Royal Woods

Fabulous painted trees in the background

Thank you to all our wonderful Backstage Crew!

Stage Manager : Caroline Watt

Assistant Stage Managers : Doreen Gray and Val Hall

Set Designer : David Grieve

Lighting Designer : Keith Morrison

Scenic Artist : Fiona Christie

Set Construction:
Joe Black
Cheryl Cluness
Andy Coull
Helen Dickson
David Grieve
Violet Johnson
Stephen Mouat
Shona Taylor
Marion Webster

Backstage Crew:
Robin Atkinson
Joe Black
Cheryl Cluness
Andy Coull
Dave Ferrier
Abbie Galbraith
Erin Gibson
Jim Grant
David Grieve
Liam Hay
Anne Jamieson
Violet Johnson
Cameron MacKenzie
Vaila Morrison
Stephen Mouat
Shona Taylor
John Webster

Photographs by David Grieve and Austin Taylor