Blue Stockings Behind the Scenes : Wardrobe

As a group we are so incredibly lucky to have a vast wardrobe of costumes capable of supporting period plays as well as pantos.

Fiona Smith and her wonderful team - Audrey Spence,  Zoe Galbraith, Jean Sinclair and Martine Hall - ensured we were always properly dressed for our parts, that everything fitted properly, costume changes went smoothly and were still able to make running repairs as necessary (there were some energetic scenes which tested the fabric of some old costumes!).

Both this costume worn by Caroline (Juliet Mullay) and the one above (worn by Mandy Phillips) are extremely old, having been made in Edinburgh and so full of material are extremely heavy to wear.

 Costumes hanging ready to wear in the ladies dressing room.

Trinity and Kings Boys
Isaac Webb (Ralph Mayhew), Daniel Inkster (Holmes), Reece Paul (Lloyd), Sonny Thomason (Edwards),  Martin Summers (Will Bennett)

The Girton Girls
Lydia Hay (Maeve Sullivan), Sula Brooks (Tess Moffat), Juliet Mullay (Caroline Addison) and Cara Leask (Celia Willbond)

The Male Staff
Bob Skinley (Professor Radleigh), Karl Ward (Professor Collins), Andy Long (Dr. Maudsley) and Cameron Mackenzie (Mr Banks)

The Female Staff
Jennie Atkinson (Miss Bott), Morag Mouat (Mrs Welsh) and Zoe Spence (Miss Blake)

David Smith (Mr Peck) and Eldon Wigram (Billy Sullivan)
David also played Professor Anderson

Joyce Williamson (Mrs Lindley) and Mandy Phillips (The Lady)
Mandy also played Minnie and Joyce Mr Banks' Maid.

Thank you again to Fiona and the Wardrobe Team.

Photographs: Zoe Galbraith