Blue Stockings Behind the Scenes : Make Up

One of our stalwart backstage members, Caroline Watt, went to NoDA summer school this year to learn about stage make up. Make up for our period play was somewhat tame to some of the gory stuff she learnt how to do whilst there, but we certainly have all benefited from her newly learned skills.

Caroline gave us all instructions for putting on the base make-up and then she was pretty busy highlighting eyes and making some of us look old (..... well older!).  Mrs Lindley (Joyce Williamson) gets her eyes highlighted.

Miss Bott (Jennie Atkinson) gets ageing lines added on her forehead but actuals traced on her face!

The final look ........

Mrs Welsh (Morag Mouat) also had ageing lines. Caroline was always keen to do these final lines once we were dressed and with wigs on so she could see how it all fitted together.

It can be a bit of a crush sometimes getting a place at the mirror .....

Even the male members of cast had to wear base face makeup and mascara and eyeliner (Reece Paul and Sonny Thomason getting to grips with it all).

 Attention to detail is everything and so even tattoos had to be covered with concealer .......

....... and dried!

Like the hairstylists, Caroline had to achieve all this in an hour! Thank you Caroline for getting us all looking so good before we went on stage.

Photographs: Zoe Galbraith