On Golden Pond : Behind the Scenes

The cast of our next production ON GOLDEN POND (directed and produced by Morag Mouat) have been rehearsing for a number of weeks, but over at the Gremista Workshop the set construction team have been hard at work for as long constructing and painting the set.

Later this week everything will be delivered to the Garrison Theatre and construction will take place over Friday evening and Saturday.

The action of the play is set inside a cabin at the edge of the lake and Fiona Christie has painted a fabulous backdrop  which will be viewed through the large windows at the back of the stage. (This is just a small section as we don't want to give too much away!)

A foam based fireplace has been given a make-over ..... (not finished yet!)

Many large flats have been painted to look like faded wood .....

There have been many windows to build and paint, logs to prepare for final painting, a full rostrum with steps and bannisters to build and paint and general "woody" bits.  

Set Design and Construction : David Grieve

Construction and Painting Team:
Marian Webster
Sherl McClennan
Jennie Atkinson
Fiona Christie
Jean Sinclair
Annette Smith
Helen Dickson
Craig Odie

(I hope I haven't left anyone out!)