Well it does seem quite amazing that here we are starting the Autumn Session rehearsals ! Stanley Manson is directing/producing our next play
an engaging human drama exploring both comedy and pathos and the complex web of relationships that exist between five sisters separated geographically and socially.
Stanley had held a group reading earlier in the summer after which he was able to cast most of the parts, so when we all met on Wednedsay evening it was for a full read by the cast and an opportunity to look at characterisations and relationships between the individual characters. We were very lucky to have David Grieve with us initially to show us the set design and also Fiona Smith to discuss initial ideas about costumes.
The first reading of any play takes a lot of concentration - individuals are often unsure of their characters, how they speak or where they are in the play.
Sometimes what you have read in your own home feels very different when reading it front of everyone else.
It is a chance to get to know who you are on stage with, what accents you might need to work on but most of all to get the feel of the play, its dynamics, where the comedy lies, the highs and lows.
As the script was being read Morag marked up significant relationships and details about characters. Whilst it broke into the reading, it is always a very worthwhile exercise and allows everybody to see where the characters are in relation to everyone else, even those who are not "in the play" such as the sister's husbands, children.
These notes will be brought out again in a few weeks time as there will be more to add and changes to be made, but most importantly give every member of the cast something to hang on to as they develop the character they are playing.
The Group will perform the play at the Garrison Theatre, Lerwick on the 11th, 12th and 13th November 2015.
Parking Lot in Pittsburgh
by Anne Downie
an engaging human drama exploring both comedy and pathos and the complex web of relationships that exist between five sisters separated geographically and socially.
Stanley had held a group reading earlier in the summer after which he was able to cast most of the parts, so when we all met on Wednedsay evening it was for a full read by the cast and an opportunity to look at characterisations and relationships between the individual characters. We were very lucky to have David Grieve with us initially to show us the set design and also Fiona Smith to discuss initial ideas about costumes.
The first reading of any play takes a lot of concentration - individuals are often unsure of their characters, how they speak or where they are in the play.
Sometimes what you have read in your own home feels very different when reading it front of everyone else.
It is a chance to get to know who you are on stage with, what accents you might need to work on but most of all to get the feel of the play, its dynamics, where the comedy lies, the highs and lows.
As the script was being read Morag marked up significant relationships and details about characters. Whilst it broke into the reading, it is always a very worthwhile exercise and allows everybody to see where the characters are in relation to everyone else, even those who are not "in the play" such as the sister's husbands, children.
These notes will be brought out again in a few weeks time as there will be more to add and changes to be made, but most importantly give every member of the cast something to hang on to as they develop the character they are playing.
The Group will perform the play at the Garrison Theatre, Lerwick on the 11th, 12th and 13th November 2015.