Saturday Already!

Saturday already! Four performances now under our belt and a wonderful audience every night!  Well done those from Ollaberry and everyone else who came a distance and braved the wintry conditions to take their seats last night - we really appreciate your efforts as we would not have a show without you!

Not trying to give anything away to those yet to see the show, but I thought I would give you a taste of the wonderful backdrop painted by our very talented scenery artist Fiona Christie. The wonderful colours and perspective just set the scene so perfectly. 

And there's a real buzz in the dressing rooms each night.  Here's what Jean Sinclair, a member of the chorus, has said:

 6.30pm and I'm off to the Garrison to get hair, make-up and costumes ready for tonight's Sinbad. There's such a buzz in the dressing rooms, it's great fun being part of an energetic colourful panto!
And what a brilliant audience last night, lots of laughs and interaction - just what we want every night! Never mind X Factor, this is Strictly WOW Factor!